Get Out & Get Clients!

6 Reasons why Face-to-Face Marketing can Land you Clients With all the talk of social networking, Facebook, Twitter, blogs and having an on-line presence, I think we as VAs sometimes forget that one of the most effective ways to find new clients is to have some...

Network Like the “King of Rock and Roll”

33 Years after his death, Elvis Presley is still alive. Although he lives only in our hearts and for those old enough to have been part of his “era” in our memories, Elvis will always be the Icon of Rock and Roll! Apart from his pure love for music Elvis was also a...

5 Dynamic Marketing Tips

“Marketing is not an event, it is a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it, but you never stop it completely” You may deliver the best virtual administrative services and support in the world,...