Testimonials & Success Stories
What others have to say….
Francis is a well-educated and well-experienced lady who has a PASSION that she wishes to share with all the VAs out there and most of all to boost the VA industry. This is of benefit to all of us. I can really vouch for the excellent and most useful information I’ve received from her.
I was initially not sure whether it was worth the while to buy the documentation, but what I received was worth at least double the price. The documents and templates are great! I believe all these documents are VITAL if you are running a VA business. Thanks a lot!
The Documentation Pack has also made my life very much easier in that I have not had to try and figure it all out on my own. Without the documentation I would not have known where to start. The price is so small compared with what I would have had to pay a professional to work it all out for me.
Francis helped me to thoroughly investigate my initial idea and in the end I came to the realization that it was not the right field to pursue. I realized that I had to adjust my plans, but the skills and tools she provided has helped me to quickly and effectively identify and become clear on the steps I have to follow to plan my business, identify clients and their needs and promote myself in the most effective way.
Previously I was intimidated by the idea of marketing but I now believe that even I can do it! I started my new business part-time and had my first clients within 1 month. I plan to have my business at a level where I can pursue it full-time before the end of the year.
The truly enjoyed the assignments. They were challenging but rewarding as it forced me to apply my mind, get ideas out of the mind onto paper – making space for fresh ideas.
I would recommend for anybody who wants to have a services business to work with Francis. I think a lot of small businesses under perform or even fail because they don’t know all the right steps, who their clients are, and how to market effectively. They may be very good at what they do but don’t get their services to the right client. This is where Francis did a tremendous job as she skillfully applied her knowledge and programs to work with my specific situation.
The pack gave me the opportunity to dive right into my business. Without wasting time on doing research and setting up all the documentation myself, which would have taken forever. I had everything ready on hand to start signing on new clients, as well as back up virtual assistants (to help me out with the overload).
For me the agreements were the biggest asset, as I had already had a client ready to sign and luckily everything was already prepared. I believe that the VA Documentation Pack is worth much more than what you pay for and having it ready on hand, has definitely improved my productivity and my professionalism.
Thank you Francis for devoting your time to helping others start up their dreams.
I especially found the section on service packages and rates very beneficial and as a result I can already see improvements in my business in terms of how I structure my services to offer a service “value” package instead of an hourly rate package. I also achieved 2 of my 5 goals already. Best of all I can go back, re-work previous sections, and track my business performance in future. Thanks for everything.
Working with you was an eye-opener. I found so many benefits from the program because I suddenly got a structure to work from. I didn’t wait anymore for businesses to contact me; I started contacting businesses on my own. I implemented packages for all my customers’ needs. I learned who my ideal clients were and what I could offer them. It really helped a lot, since now I can focus my marketing to these clients. I learned what my strengths are and how I could use it to benefit my clients.
When I started the program, I was too shy and timid to say anything. I always thought that other people are better and smarter than me, which is not true. In the beginning I did not do enough to be a successful VA, because I did not know what to do. I learned so much, not only how to be a successful VA, but also about myself. My outlook changed, because my confidence grew. I don’t expect work to come to me anymore. I phone clients and ask for work. When people ask me what I do, I can tell them what I do. I am very proud of myself.
Since working with you, I now have at least 2 new clients. My income is growing steadily, and I cannot say when last I was so busy. My clients are increasing, because people are getting to know me.
“Before working with you on this program I was just starting out with no clients, no income and no idea how to build or market it. I received SOOOOO many actionable tools and ideas that I put to work right away. I now have the basics in place and got a specific plan for how to grow and market my business.
The examples and specific scripts was an absolute blessing! Some of the action steps took me out of my comfort zone, but I made appointments and attended a couple of networking meetings already. I now have the confidence to talk about my new business (something that really lacked before) and even found an ideal client and closed the deal!
This program changed my life! I didn’t even apply all the action steps yet, but I already feel more confident when doing business and talking to people, just because I now know how to do it right. I’m so excited about my future.
I really enjoyed the More Clients in 30 Days challenge and would like to thank you for this incredible opportunity! The course has given me much more confidence and made me realize that there were certain areas I needed to work on in order to have a great business.
I have had such a lovely “a-ha” moment, as I noticed that there seems to be very little services aimed at my target market. They are in need of someone like me to help them succeed – so, thank you for allowing me to find my ideal clients and niche market!
I enjoyed all the marketing aspects and particularly found the pull marketing concept interesting. All the tools I received via this training made me aware of the importance and the possibilities of marketing my business correctly to my niche market. The program stressed the importance of not focusing on everyone, but rather on a specific market – which I found very useful.
Before I started this program, I was a bit unsure whether it could work, but this challenge has definitely proved to me that I can work smarter rather than harder, and that my efforts will pay off. Some of the challenges took me out of my comfort zone, but I loved every minute! It was a great success!
As a result of this program, my time wasters have been identified and modified. I spend less time “not being productive”, and more time on different ways to do marketing. This is a fantastic program, and anyone with a business should do it!
I’m registered with a few international VA forums, but an obvious advantage for me is that Be Virtual Assistant Wise is a local South African organisation. It is important to me to first support organisations locally to enhance and bolster the industry in our own country.
The Documentation Pack (containing all the template applications and reference material) I bought affirmed that I am on the right track with the development and growth of my business and I received valuable learning and continuous reading opportunities. I found the costing template extremely helpful as it gave me a more precise idea of market related and competitive fees.
The Jumpstart e-book and especially the RFP template has been very helpful and affirmed that my research and way of conducting business is in accordance with the standards and norms expected of VAs.
In actual fact, all the resources I received have saved me at least R500 per month and although I continued to read other reference material as well, the reference material I receive from Francis has ensured that I do not have to spend an excessive amount of money on book purchases each month.
I really enjoyed the program, especially all the examples you give. This program changed my employee mindset into a business orientated mindset and I now have a much better understanding of marketing.
Before I started with the program, I was caught up in the “time-for-money” trap and used to charge per hour for my services. Now I am in the process of working out service packages and also changing the services I currently offer.
I saw Virtual Assistance as an opportunity to have a recognised, professional business. With the help of Be Virtual Assistance Wise my confidence in making it out there as a VA have grown, and something that was just a dream have become a reality for me.
The documentation I received in the Documentation Pack saved me weeks (it could be longer) due to having access to a business plan, business proposals as well as invoice and receipt templates. What I like most is my very professional Business Plan. My greatest fear was; how do I apply or let someone know that I want to offer my services. Now it is easier as I have my business proposal already in place when someone contacts me, and it did not even took me 20 minutes to do it.
Working with Francis and Be Virtual Assistant Wise opened a whole new world. Virtual Assistance stood out above all the other work at home jobs that I tried on the internet. It is legit and Francis have been a big help.
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