by Francis | Nov 30, 2011 | VA Business
A business that attracts lots of clients is a business that focuses on service excellence. Any VA can give a service and find some clients, but a Virtual Assistant who focuses on service excellence, will have a business that prosper and will attract clients into...
by Francis | Oct 5, 2011 | VA Business, VA Marketing
Getting long-term clients in a Virtual Assistant business is very much dependent on the following 3 key elements: Clients first knowing about you Then liking you enough to work with you and also Trusting that you will be able to do the work. This is what I call the...
by Francis | Aug 31, 2011 | VA Business
Do you know what your strengths are? Do you know what you’re REALLY good at, what makes you unique and how you can USE that to add more value to your own business as well as those of your clients? Many of us are pretty good talking about our weaknesses, but what about...
by Francis | Aug 16, 2011 | VA Business
Working in a virtual services environment, is extremely satisfying because you can create your own destiny and work your dream career. Creating this dream career however, all starts with identifying what skills you already have or want to obtain. Then translating that...
by Francis | Aug 10, 2011 | VA Business, Virtual Assistant
Whether you are just starting out, or being in business for quite some time, one of the biggest problems we all run into at some point is … ….“running out of time”. If you are a solo-preneur, working alone on your business, there are so many different things that...