by Francis | Feb 16, 2010 | VA Marketing, Virtual Assistant
Marketing is all about growth and growth normally happens through planning and action. When you’ve found your passion, marketing will be something you “love to do” and not something you have to do. You will look at marketing from a different perspective and it will...
by Francis | Feb 9, 2010 | VA Marketing, Virtual Assistant
Do you see marketing as a “trip to the dentist” obligation? or Do you see it as a powerful tool to reach your ideal client and to grow your business? If the latter is your answer, why then do most Virtual Assistants use the “shotgun” approach when doing their...
by Francis | Nov 5, 2009 | VA Business, Virtual Assistant
Becoming a Virtual Assistant is almost as diverse as the colours of a beautiful sunset. Watching a beautiful sunset the other day I couldn’t help thinking about the wonder and diversity of colour. Yellow, orange, pink, blue … actually numerous colours danced in...