by Francis | Aug 10, 2011 | VA Business, Virtual Assistant
Whether you are just starting out, or being in business for quite some time, one of the biggest problems we all run into at some point is … ….“running out of time”. If you are a solo-preneur, working alone on your business, there are so many different things that...
by Francis | Aug 30, 2010 | VA Marketing
Have you ever wondered; “if you’ve done marketing differently from the start, what the outcome could have been?” Well, that thought crossed my mind this week while I was reading a bedtime story to my daughter. I was actually amazed with how I could draw a...
by Francis | Aug 12, 2010 | VA Marketing, Virtual Assistant
“Getting clients is easy if you are willing to build relationships with your prospects” – Marietjie Steyn Yet, most virtual assistant business owners find ‘getting clients’ one of their biggest headaches and for many years I had the same situation until I’ve...