The VA Business Roadmap

Start Your VA Business With Confidence and Flair

5 Pillars For a Strong Business Foundation

Video 1: Virtual Assistance

Video 3
Coming Soon

Video 4
Coming Soon

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  1. sherry

    thank you – very imformative, now need to get working on my business plan! Do you perhaps have a template of something to work with?

  2. Shune Sumner

    I am working on my business plan and I do agree with you that the numbers are really important.
    My problem is the lack of an income so the going for me is long and hard, but I am using the time to learn, so your videos are good source of information. Thank you

    • Barb Walsh

      I don’t have any money right now either, and we don’t know each other but it sounds like you may slip into doubt. Can I ask you to do something? It’s really simple, doesn’t cost anything but it may change your mindset.
      Write down how the lack of money makes you feel, all the things you can’t get because you lack the money. The on a separate sheet of paper, write down the way having your business set up, with a steady income coming in will benefit you. When you start to worry about the money issue, look at the page where you have a business and you CAN make money. It seem silly, but it works, it changes the mindset, takes away the issues because you focus on the business. Let me know how it goes.
      I don’t have money now either, just barely afloat, but it won’t last forever- I KNOW THIS. I won’t allow it to last. I want success too badly.

  3. Joan Tuck

    Wonderful given me lots to think about. However, I was wondering if you could send this in hard copy please. good think to keep on file for reference

  4. Nomfundo

    thank you . thank you am really going to use this in my business

  5. Pumza

    I must confess that the 5 Pillars have been an eye opener. Thank you so much for making me critically think about the full business

  6. Leanne

    Knowing your numbers !!! I have always done mental sums, but now have made a little spreadsheet which started off simply, but when you really give it thought – there are too many numbers to keep in your head !!

  7. Angulique Hollamby

    Thank you for all the excellent and usefull info.

  8. Karen

    This is really helpful Francis thank you very much and i agree with what you said that it is easy to forget about this 5 pillars to success in the VA industry yet it is crucial that this be done.

  9. Lynn

    Thank you Francis. Becoming more and more enthusiastic.

  10. Eileen

    These 5 Pillars will DEFINITELY help with planning and strategizing of my business plan. Thank you so much for all your help!

  11. Eddie Machete

    Excellent five pillars of business.I now hope that I can do this business.Thank you

  12. Brenda Lalela

    What stood out for me was understanding of business environment & industry, thank you and I am looking forward to listen to video 3

  13. Valerie

    Thank you very informative and u think it is crucial for a successful business to know this

  14. Morwa

    Thank you for the videos. Very informative and eye opening

  15. Zelda

    Very helpful tips, looking forward to video 3.

  16. Sandra Miller

    Thank you so much, at least I do not feel alone now because this kind of business exist, the video’s is a great learning tool, appreciate it so much!

  17. Reinette Scheepers

    Thanks – very interesting information

  18. Jenny Taylor

    A great video with some good strong information. Thank you – much appreciated!

  19. Nadine

    Thanks Francis, your videos are excellent!!

  20. Faiza Spadonie

    Excellent information – no we can start thinking of the next steps we want to achieve.


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