Face to Face Marketing

Face to Face Marketing can be one of the most effective ways to start marketing your Virtual Assistant business,

virtual assistant marketing

Unfortunately face-to-face marketing is also the one that most people neglect….mostly because they fear rejection.

You might say that as a Virtual Assistant, you work “virtually” and do not need to face clients face-to-face.

That might be true when you have a flourishing business and have clients flocking to your doorstep.

But unfortunately, in the beginning, clients are hard to find and then the cheapest ways of marketing your business is to focus on your immediate environment and go out to meet prospective clients in person.

The success of face to face marketing lies in – “Never give up”. You may get a lot of no’s before you will get a yes, but remember every “NO” brings you closer to a “YES“!!

Tip: Networking in your community will definitely help you with your face to face marketing. 

There are a couple of things you need to remember before rushing off. Virtual Assistant success

Always …

  • Dress for success.
  • Make an appointment.
  • Make sure you see the person making the decisions.
  • Take your portfolio and business cards with.
  • Be prepared.
  • Be in time.

Remember, you are a highly skilled entrepreneur who gives businesses owners access to specialized capabilities and skills. You reduce their stress, eliminate their administrative hassles, free up their time and enhance their business flexibility!

So, go out and market your services with confidence and finesse.

For more information read

More Marketing Techniques
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