Get More Clients with Pull Marketing Strategies

Get More Clients with Pull Marketing Strategies

Selling is NOT bad! But personally, I feel much more comfortable when I can take most of the bad selling out of the equation and rather include strategies for good selling – strategies where I don’t push and harass people to work with me, but rather pull and...
Fall In Love With Your Business

Fall In Love With Your Business

Have you ever been madly in love? Have you ever experience the feeling that you just can’t live one day without your love; you want to spend every waking moment with them; you dream about them; you eat, sleep, talk about them; ….and even when you are with other...

10 Steps To Start A Virtual Assistant Business

Many women (and some cool guys too) dream of starting a home business where they are available to their family, managing their own hours, making a difference in clients’ lives and simultaneously earning a good income for playing (and paying the bills). The increasing...

Target Marketing Increases Your Income

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle to get clients (they spend hours and lots of money on marketing, but just don’t reap the benefits), while others have huge successes when marketing their business? What possibly can be the difference? Especially if two...